
Friday, 26 November 2010

Friday November 26th.

Well, well well

All good things must come to an end, our adventure in South Africa comes to an end today.

We started early for Secunda for our final meeting, leaving at 06:30. Pam was with us and it was a rough ride, swerving the potholes on the road.

Following we have had a hearty breakfast at Wimpy we convened at the meeting. We should have loyalty cards from Wimpy because since we arrived we have eaten there every day. It gets a bit concerning when you walk in and they ask you if you want your “usual”.

 Anyway back to serious business: the meeting! It went really well and we covered all topics with skill and panache. We have done a good job ,considering the hurdles we have had to deal with, and it has turned out pretty well. The main problem was the fact that there wasn't web access to communicate. We left the South African part of the team (Gert Sibande and Pixley Ka Seme) with the agreement that these problems will be sorted in the coming weeks, making it possible for the MIS system to be active this year.

We were presented with a “Thank You” mug and Pam took some photos for the SSDC Newsletter. Hands were shaken and we parted for the run to Joburg. The pothole swerve was used on many occasions, mainly to upset those of us trying to get some shut-eye in the back. On the other hand, without our driver we would have been nowhere, so many thanks to Marcel.
Mark is waiting for the hard disk of our film debut. The film shows what our goal was in South-Africa and what highlights issues we had to deal with. We are now sitting at Mugg and Bean in OR Tambo writing the blog and killing time. The fact that we can tease each other and have a laugh about things really helped us.
On behalf of all South Africans, Pam would like to express her thanks and gratitude to Imtech and for all the hard work and effort they have put into this project.

We are now saying goodbye to Pam, were flying to Durban in one hour.

That’s All Folks!

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